Phase 3: Wellness
When you reach phase 3 with Shields Chiropractic, it’s cause for celebration. You’re fully healed and feeling well. Your holistic treatment with natural medicine and chiropractic care has worked.
Phases of care
To maintain the health of your musculoskeletal system, you’ll need to return to our office for occasional adjustments. Think of it like this — there are several components to a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise. Because of the risk of recurrence of your pain, wellness chiropractic in phase 3 is a critical part of your healthy lifestyle.
Goal for Phase 3
Phase 3 consists of brief visits to ensure that your spine is properly aligned and correct any misalignments before they cause you any pain. That’s right. We can treat your headache or back pain BEFORE they even hurt. The ultimate goal for chiropractic care in phase 3 is you living your healthiest life.
Make an Appointment at Shields Chiropractic Today
If you need a chiropractor in Saginaw, MI, or the surrounding areas—including Hemlock, Freeland, St. Charles, Merrill, Midland, Bay City, Breckenridge, or Bridgeport, call Shields Chiropractic at 989-781-7700 or contact us for an appointment today.