Get Help for Hip Pain

February 4, 2020
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For patients first seeking chiropractic care, hip pain is pretty high up on the list for common complaints. Hip pain can be caused by a number of different factors and chiropractic care can help provide relief, but so can awareness of what causes hip pain to begin with. Here’s what you should know:  


Osteoarthritis usually presents itself through joints pain. It is caused by the wear and tear that time just takes on the body. People who struggle with weight issues are typically more prone to osteoarthritis due to added stress on their joints.  


Spraining the ligaments around your joints, putting strain on the muscles that surround your low back, or fractures in the leg bones are common causes of hip pain. Any strains or sprains to your low back, ankles, or knees will likely lead to hip pain.  


Your pelvis and sacrum meet at the sacroiliac joint, which is at the base of the spine. This joint is vital to proper spinal alignment. If misaligned, it can cause severe hip pain and low back pain.  


Some patients come in and claim that one of their legs is longer than the other, though this isn’t usually the case. Misalignments, however, can lead to one leg functioning as though it is shorter than the other. This leads to hip pain (among other issues), which can be corrected quickly with chiropractic care.  


There are several different steroids that are often recommended for long-term hip pain relief, but they can lead to joint degeneration. Steroids also typically reduce your body’s ability to absorb calcium, which then increases your risk of osteoporosis.  

Now that you’ve learned a bit more about hip pain and how it is caused, you’ve probably realized something else: almost all of these causes can be treated with chiropractic care. If you suffer from hip pain, no matter the cause, click here to schedule an adjustment with us so we can get you back to feeling great.

You may have noticed something similar about most of these causes of hip pain: that they can almost all be corrected through chiropractic care! If you have hip pain, no matter the cause, schedule an appointment with us. We'll get to the bottom of the cause and correct it!  

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