Avoid Pain From Driving With Rehab Therapy

If you’re dealing with an injury, the prospect of spending a lot of time in the car this holiday season can seem grueling. Rehab therapy can help you avoid pain from driving, boost your recovery progress, and get you back on track toward finishing out 2023 on a high note.
Rehab Therapy Can Help You Avoid Pain From Driving
At Shields Chiropractic, rehabilitative therapy takes different forms, but it all bends toward the ultimate goal of helping you be your best. Manual therapy is one of the most well-known and effective forms of rehab, pairing you with a therapist who leverages their expertise to help you heal, increase mobility, and avoid pain.
Manual rehab therapy isn’t just about what you do when you meet your therapist at our offices in Saginaw, MI. You take what you learn at your sessions home with you, and as you make progress, you’ll be able to perform therapeutic exercises and stretches at home. That also means you can take this knowledge with you on the road this holiday season and avoid the pain that can come from long stretches of driving.
If you plan to spend a lot of time on the move in the months ahead, good planning will be key to a successful road trip. Whether you’re dealing with an injury or not, you should build in enough time to give yourself a break after every hour or so of driving. This allows you to pull off and stretch out, which is especially important if you’re trying to avoid pain from driving. It can also help you destress, which makes the ride all the more enjoyable for everyone.
Experience the Benefits of Rehab Therapy in Saginaw, MI
Shields Chiropractic offers manual therapy as well as other modes of rehab, including cold laser and transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation. Pairing that with treatment like chiropractic care and massage, you can better avoid pain from driving this holiday season and enjoy better holistic health overall. If you’d like to get started with rehab therapy in Saginaw, MI, schedule an appointment online or give us a call at 989-781-7700.