Treat Tension Headaches with Chiropractic

May 19, 2020
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Like millions of people around the world, you’ve probably suffered from your fair share of headaches. Most people suffer from this sort of pain at one point or another and headaches are an extremely common ailment. One type of headache we commonly treat are tension headaches. These headaches are caused by physical tension along the spine or due to mental tension caused by stress. Whatever the reason is, they are certainly unpleasant. If you suffer from tension headaches, here’s how chiropractic can help.  


This question is tough to answer because it varies on the individual. Some people experience headaches as the result of a trigger. It could be a sound, smell, stressful situation, or even a person that causes the headache. Others experience headaches due to physical tension. Misalignments in the spine often occur, even in relatively healthy individuals. These misalignments can cause tension to build up in the spine, which moves upward into the head and causes headaches. Headaches are the number one pain complaint for adults in the United States, so learning the cause behind these pains could help you get rid of them for good.


The best way to prevent tension headaches is to determine the root cause, and that’s something the chiropractors at Shields Chiropractic are great at! Our doctors are experts at finding and treating the underlying cause of pain for our patients. For headaches caused by a trigger, you’ll want to do your best to avoid those situations, but that is usually easier said than done. Family, work, and community obligations often cause stress which can trigger tension headaches, and with the stress caused by coronavirus, it’s unlikely that we can shelf our anxieties altogether.  

That’s where chiropractic comes in! Because many headaches are caused by muscle tension and misalignments in the spine, getting regular adjustments to keep your spine in proper alignment can relieve tension headache pain. Many of our patients also report feeling lower levels of stress with regular adjustments, and chiropractic care may keep your headaches from coming back at all!  

If you would like to give chiropractic care a try for tension headaches, the chiropractors at Shields Chiropractic are here to help. Making an appointment for gentle, effective chiropractic care is easier than ever – just click here to get started!

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