Get a Hold on Holiday Stress

December 17, 2019
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The holiday season is full of family, friends, celebration, and…stress?! As enjoyable as the holidays are, they can also be challenging for those suffering from back pain or chronic issues like migraines and fibromyalgia. Here at Shields Chiropractic, we want to help our patients enjoy a healthy and peaceful holiday season. Here are our tips.

  1. Make a List
  2. Sometimes it feels like you simply have too much on your plate. Don’t allow yourself to feel pressured to get every little detail just right. Listen to your body and when it needs a rest, take one. Think about what holiday activities mean the most to you and focus on them.
  3. Take Time for You
  4. This time of year is busy for everyone. Whether you’re out hosting, shopping, or party hopping, remember to take time for you. Even if you have to schedule it in, take time to focus on yourself and what you do to relax. It’s never fun to burn out – especially not during the holidays – so don’t wear yourself down.
  5. Get Moving
  6. Exercise is often overlooked in the winter season, but it is an important part of staying healthy. Plus, exercise is a natural stress-reliever. If you’re suffering from pain, we’ll be happy to provide you with some safe exercises to help you feel better. Not only will you improve your health physically, but also mentally.
  7. Be Mindful of Moderation
  8. The holidays usually mean large meals, cookies, treats, and cocktails. It’s okay to indulge in moderation, but overeating or eating due to stress will only leave you feeling worse. If you’re looking for some healthy holiday eating tips, click here or ask during your next adjustment.
  9. Get Adjusted
  10. Chiropractic care can help you manage your stress and pain levels. A study conducted in 2010 even found that chiropractic adjustments helped reduce levels of cortisol, which is a stress hormone known to cause irritation and inflammation. As important as it is to think of others during the holiday season, don’t neglect yourself. After all, you can’t pour from an empty glass!

To learn more about the benefits of chiropractic care and how our team of experienced chiropractors can help you, click here to schedule a consultation or your next adjustment.

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