Customized Orthotics for Runners

Shields Chiropractic
May 30, 2023
min read
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A view of a runner from the waist down as they are mid-stride on a running path.

The weather is warming up at last in Saginaw, and that means it’s a great time of year to head back out there and enjoy a run in the sun. Whether you’re trying to get back into fitness, looking to lose some weight, or training for an upcoming race, you’ll be more effective on your next run with the right tools. Customized orthotics give you quite the advantage, helping prevent foot pain and sore shins so that you can keep up the pace. 

Why Runners Love Customized Orthotics

You’ve probably seen orthotic shoe insets at the pharmacy or a shoe store and are familiar with the basic function. Inserts fit inside your shoes and add arch support and cushioning, helping to prevent foot pain caused by issues like plantar fasciitis. But not all insoles are created equal—because these products are manufactured for the masses, they can cause slippage that makes your shoes less comfortable to wear and may even increase the chances of injury. 

But you don’t have these same concerns with customized orthotics like what you can find at Shields Chiropractic in Saginaw, MI. We’re proud to offer Foot Levelers customized orthotics, which are tailored to the shape of your feet for maximum results. 

Options like the InMotion+™ and XP3+ offer cushioning and shock absorption, helping prevent foot pain, shore shins, and other side effects of high-intensity running. And they’re made to fit so well that you’ll probably forget they’re even there. The benefits of wearing customized orthotics include improving posture, which can help ward off lower back pain and even help improve your results in your next race. 

Try Foot Levelers Customized Orthotics in Saginaw, MI

We recommend Foot Levelers customized orthotics for runners, but they can also be incredibly helpful for anyone who spends a fair amount of time on their feet. These products can help prevent foot pain, sore shins, and lower back pain if you do a lot of walking and standing, and you can even get orthotic flip-flops to maximize your summer fun. Want to learn more? Schedule an appointment at Shields Chiropractic in Saginaw, MI, or call us at (989) 781-7700.

Shields Chiropractic